Monday, September 24, 2007

Camera Gone

Motorcycle and boat

Yesterday, I woke up early and thought I should go down to the beach, not too far from where I live, for some shoots for this blog. After a number of clicks enough to consume my battery power, I headed back home to load them to my computer. While plugging my camera to the computer, the unexpected happened - I experienced a mild electric shock. And lo and behold, I broke my digicam after dropping it on the concrete floor.

Today, I brought my camera to the shop and the diagnosis was very poor. Digicams are highly sensitive to impact so it could be the end of my Konica-Minolta Dimage X31. The shop owner simply took my number and promised to call if he finds a service center in Manila he can refer me to. I never know if I have to wait forever. I felt really bad and imagined only if the manufacturer offers to replace my cam will my spirit be appeased.

Now, I am resigned to buying a new digicam to continue posting photos on my blog. I searched the net and initial results pointed to Canon A and SD series as the best sellers in the point and shoot category. Personally, I think getting a Nikon would be a wise decision too. Haven't made up my mind yet. Wanna make sure I will be getting a good one but not so pricey.

Here are some of the photos from the memory card of my unfortunate digicam.

Little beach store
Little children want to play
Lifeguard tower
Thistles on the shore
I'm going to write about this beach on my next post.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Beach Souvenir

It may take a few more weeks before I can go on my next big beach adventure so I decided to post something else not so widely separated from the beach. I am referring to beach souvenirs. I like to check out the shops that sell these items whenever I visit beach parks and resorts.

In almost all of the well known beach destinations, there are specialty shops that offer a wide array of gifts and collectible items you can choose from. There are goodies, towels, toys, hats, floats, shirts, shorts, jewelry, seashells, trinkets and many more. T-shirts are among my favorites. They are great representations of the beaches they promote and rates high in bringing to mind notions of your vacation.

Souvenirs form lasting impressions of the beaches you went to and bring back special memories of the time you spent there. So next time you go to the beach, remember to pass by the souvenir shops before you leave. You can get great novelties for yourself or wonderful gifts for your friends and loved ones. Whatever it is you choose, a keepsake is always nice to have.

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Beaches Here I Come!

It's a great feeling to finally set up my own blog. Geez, I'm getting ready to bring my adventures to the cyberworld. Come follow me as I romance the beautiful beaches that beckon.

Hello folks, I'm a nutty beach lover living in a country of 7,107 islands. With islands aplenty, you bet there can be thousands more of beaches sprinkled all over these emerald isles. Myriad and one beaches to discover, fringes to uncover, mysteries to unravel.

Oh, I love beaches. I fancy standing there and looking at the vast expanse of sea and sky. I enjoy running barefoot on the long stretch of sand. I delight walking leisurely along the shore and feel the sensation of waters touching my feet. I am pleased by the sound of waves rushing ashore. I like to hit the waters and plunge myself into its embracing arms. I want to watch the rising and setting of the sun. I am excited to see the changing hues of sky and horizon. I am smitten by its rhythms, images, treasures and dreams. I sense beauty and perfection in a place like this. Here I am alive. The sea and I are one. This is my exultation!

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