Saturday, November 24, 2007

Beach Cats

My apologies, beach cat racers and hobie cat enthusiasts if by this title your search led you to this site - 'cause I'm not talking about sailing, racing or recreation. I'm talking about real cats of the fur and purr variety that seem to be populating the beaches of this country. There happens to be a growing number of cats I see roaming the beaches. I may not know if they are abandoned, stray or simply out on a walk, but I'm pretty sure there isn't any population control program for their kind. Not where the mass of human beings themselves are wanting in such service.

I'm just a bit uneasy at the thought that a female cat can produce 30 kittens in a year. And how many kittens can a tomcat sire wandering about and mating with any pussycat, and as many. Think how that number of cats can procreate and multiply. If left unabated, you can imagine how they can continue to reproduce themselves in exponential fashion.

As it is, cat conditions are already harsh if unsheltered and free-roaming. Most of them have made the beaches their home and go about freely scavening for leftovers from trash and picnic tables. More so if with their growing numbers, they have to fight ferociously in their forage of our beaches. Scrawny and sick cats will be unbecoming of our vaunted beaches.

There is a known humane and effective way to keep the stray cat population in check and it is to spay or castrate rather than to catch and kill. But this method seems to be a first world thing for now and I seriously doubt if there is any such program hereabout. It is not a bad idea though to adopt if we want our beaches to remain a healthy place where beachgoers and beach cats can co-exist.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Plantation Beach

If and when you want to take a respite to a place of provincial charm and serenity yet don't want to miss an exciting beach experience then you should consider going to this plantation beach. Relax in an impeccable hacienda atmosphere or enjoy great watersports, either way, you can get it here.

Tucked within Maayong Tubig, Dauin, Negros Oriental is a 5 hectare beachside coconut plantation known as Bahura Resort and Spa. It boasts of well- appointed hacienda type villas with superb facilities and services in a surrounding of lush tropical garden, spring water pools and tall swaying palms. Just the right elements to invigorate the senses of meditative souls.

But if you choose to recharge the thrill seeker way, you don't have to pack your bags to go elsewhere. Try their water sports center for scuba diving packages and cool watersports like kayak, banana boat, jet-ski and hobie cat. They also offer land tours to explore the natural wonders of the province like lakes, falls, caves, hot springs and dolphin watching too, for the more adventurous souls.

So whether it is relax or romp for you, here is a vacation option that offers the best of both worlds.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Island Cove

While in Manila on a brief stay, I jumped at the chance to go to a resort destination that is not too far away from the metropolis. I found myself in this quaint island sanctuary. I was somewhat disappointed to know that this coastal resort does not have a beach at all. Disheartened but curious enough, I prodded myself to see what else this resort has to offer.

This is the entrance to the Island Cove Resort and Leisure Park located in Binakayan, Cawit, Cavite, less than an hour drive from Manila. A little "Golden Gate" bridge will help you cross over from the mainland to the island.

The resort, I soon discovered has a wide range of facilities and activities for a power-packed vacation escapade. It has hotel and cottage accommodations complete with the modern amenities of a first class hotel. One can also choose to rent a tent for the night from a cluster of tents pitched on a shady spot near the hotel.

This fishing village with nipa huts built on stilts is a top attraction of the resort. Here vacationers can leisurely fish with bamboo fishing rods and get to taste their catch by having it cooked at the resort kitchen.

This is about the closest that can get to a beach. It is a sandy, palm shaded, enclosed area (read - you don't fall into the sea) with eating shacks, open air disco and beach loungers. Here family, friends and lovers can dance away the night, cool off with their favorite drinks or indulge on a selection of island food.

There is a host of other attractions like a mini zoo, a water park with swimming pools and slides, a concert park, a KTV lounge, a video arcade, an outdoor giant chessboard, a mini golf course, billiards, bowling, darts, bingo and ballroom dancing. There are also seminar halls, function rooms and souvenir shops.

All these make up for a different experience, a lot more than one could expect for a quick get away . . . unless you're a dissolute beachromeo.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Crescent Beach

Just as the pale new moon
glows against the deep dark sky,
the Crescent Beach
casts its shimmering white splendor
across the deep blue sea.

The crescent moon seems to have descended from the heavens to rest during the day on the azure waters off the coast of Mactan Island. This is the beach of Pandanan Island, one of the small islands to the south and east of Mactan. This coterie of islands is best for island hopping trips because of the islands' closeness to and uniqueness from each other.

Panoramic view of the docks from the hotel room window of the Hilton Cebu Resort and Spa. Maribago wharf in Mactan is the jump-off point to the islands.

A motorboat fitted with bamboo out-riggers will take you to this beach in a little over an hour's time. Bask under the sun, frolic on the white coral sand, dip in the warm turquoise water and rest your weary soul. Enjoy the company of the crescent moon.

"In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand, there is the story of the earth. " -Rachel Carson-

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hello 'ween!

Cheers, Happy Halloween! It's double treat for me because today am officially starting a hit counter to keep track of visits to my blog. Of course, the first visitor is me but I shall hereafter configure it to ignore my own visits. So hello, welcome and be counted. To celebrate, I took a pumpkin and tried to see if I can turn it into something squashterrific.

Here is the outcome of the rest of it. I think I burned the caramel. Talk about scary thrills and eerie tales. Horrorific!

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Bees and the Beach

Let me tell you 'bout the bees and the beach. At the beach the other day, I watched these bees engage in a torrid and passionate encounter. I spared no time in capturing the moment on cam. Smack of voyeurism! Well, it isn't unusual to see lovey-dovey twosomes cuddle each other under shades of verdant trees or in secluded spots of the beach. The beach is by far a favorite tryst for romantic couples. But this is the first time I caught sight of bees doing their thing at the beach. Makes me wonder, has the beach anything to do with it? Does the beach have the same romantic effect on man, animal or insect?

I have no answers but this much I can say - how's that for saying here's my word of advice: Next time you feel like doing it at the beach be careful when laying down on those grassy mounts or be ready to be stung by busy bees. There's the buzz!

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Beach Anatomy

Have you ever admired a beach in terms of its anatomy? Ah, you won't even think a beach is some sort of creature with body parts. We can't be too technical about it, you say. For isn't a beach to be admired simply for its beauty and pleasure-giving capacity without even loosely thinking of its face or butt? Well, here's something to pick your brain.

Beach experts say there are many parts to a beach. But before I go on to that, let me just first try to explain in simple terms what to them is a beach. A beach according to geologists is a landform along the shoreline of a body of water consisting of deposited materials such as sand, gravel, pebbles, shell fragments or other loose sediments, caused by or set in motion by wave action.

Having said that, the parts of a beach pretty much have to do with the processes that form and shape it. The part mostly above water and actively influenced by the normal rising and ebbing of the tide is called the beach derm. The top part of the derm is called the crest while the slope leading towards the water is called the face. At the bottom of the face is the trough and further seaward is the longshore bar.

Now here's the interesting part. Sometimes the beach may extend up the beach derm if the sand deposits are pushed further inland and lie beyond the influence of normal waves by very large storm waves - thus, this part is called the storm beach. And the most wonderful part - there is a point where the influence of the waves on the materials comprising the beach no longer exists but the sand deposit and particle materials may well extend further inland by wind movement. Where the wind is the force distributing the grains of sand, the deposit behind the beach becomes a dune.

Lovely isn't it? There's beauty in the force of nature and wonder in the anatomy of a beach. Next time you go down to the beach, be happy, be beach savvy!

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